Payment of consideration
KELER pays the consideration of equities to the shareholders entitled to receive the consideration of equities that are issued by the companies listed in the attached table and are not submitted for replacement or dematerialization and are declared void. . Amounts in the table refer to gross amounts to be paid for one piece of share, that is a share with one unit of nominal value, from which gross amounts tax and contribution are to be deducted in the cases defined in regulations.
Payment of dividend
Based on authorization of the companies listed in the attached table KELER pays dividend for the business years shown. From the amounts shown tax and contribution are to be deducted in the cases defined in regulations
Client Service
Payments can be requested personally at the Client Service of the Share Registry Department of KELER Zrt. If the holder of the share cannot personally contact Client Service to request payment, in a private document of full probative force the holder can authorize a representative to act on its behalf.
Opening hours of Client Service:
Monday to Friday:
9:00 hrs -15:00 hrs
More information
(+36 1) 483 6253
(+36 1) 483 6251
(+36 1) 483 6289